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Abusers and their victims form dyad's of codependency. It takes two to tango and an equal number to sustain a long term abusive relationship. The abuser and the abused form a bond, a dynamic, and a dependence. Expressions such as "follies a deux", "shared psychosis", and the "Stockholm Syndrome" capture facets two of a myriad of this danse macabre. It often ends fatally. It is always an excruciatingly painful affair.

Being a great believer in common sense and having been in the same situation for many years, I think the answer here is very obvious. Would you allow your self to be abused by someone who didn't matter to you?


See "Stockholm Syndrome".

It's not genuine love - it's a psychological yearning based on fear and control. There is no sound reason to really love an abuser - you can have compassion for them - but not the kind of love that motivates you to stay in a relationship with someone who treats you like crap.

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8y ago
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8y ago

What you define as "love" and the abuser's notion of "love' are two entirely different things. The abuser is in "love" with his sources of gratification and with people he controls.

There is no love in abuse--they do not co-exist. Love never abuses another or tries to control another through abuse.

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12y ago

No the abuser does not love that person they love controlling and abusing that person and that's it.

It is difficult for there to be love in an abusive relationship. The abuser can not truly give love or receive it because he or she is mentally disabled. The abusive personality is a mental disorder and the abuser needs to seek psychiatric help.

An abusive relationship is not a healthy one and no matter what the abuser says, he or she can not love you, it is obsession and control that drives an abusive partner.

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12y ago

They can, but it's not smart to stay with them either way. If you feel that you love them and must stay with them, sign him/her up for anger management.

Even if the abuser loves you it is time for you to leave. It may be one of the hardest things you have to do. It will probably hurt badly for a long time. But it is the safe and self loving thing to do.

If there are kids involved get out now.

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Q: Can an emotionally abusive partner really be in love with you?
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