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Better for her to straighten out her citizenship status first. Without that, she is opening a can of worms regarding her stay in the US.

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Q: Can an illegal alien mother who has a US born son file for child custody rights for another minor son who is a legal resident?
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Im 17 years old and my mother wants to deport me even though im a resident can she deport me?

Unless you have a parent or another person that wants custody of you in another country, no.

Mother is illegal alien and father is permanent resident of US who gets child custody?

The custody issue would probably depend on the country in which it is tried and where the child resides. It is likely that the child will remain in the country he or she is living in.

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The mother has presume sole custody and control, regardless of the circumstances in all states.

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Can, but as she moved away initially, a judge may not consider it.

Can a father sue for full custody of his child if the mother is an illegal imiagrant?

He can but I doubt he will get it since immigration status has no bearing on custody and parental rights..

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If the grandmother has custody

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Yes because the mother had no custody over the child

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If you are unmarried can you get full child custody if you are a US resident and the father is a US citizen?

The mother can legally retain sole custody of the child until the father establishes paternity and files for custodial rights. This is an issue that is covered by "common law" and would apply regardless of the resident status of the mother. If the father chooses to petition for custody, the issue would be decided by the court based upon what would be best for the child.

Mother is illegal alien father is illegal alien can a friend take custody of child?

well they would have to be adopted or the friend would have to be a foster home

Would a court appoint custody to an illegal immigrant father that resides in the US illegally if the mother that is a legal citizen dies and the children have a stepfather that wants custody?
