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Q: Can an individual be compensated for assisting in deportation of illegal immigrants. Can Bounty hunters be used to detain persons in violation of a deportation order If so what is the compensation.?
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Definition of a highly compensated employee under section 125?

(e) Highly Compensated Participant And Individual Defined. For purposes of this Section, (1) Highly compensated participant. The term, "highly compensated participant," means a participant who is-- (A) an officer, (B) a shareholder owning more than 5 percent of the voting power or value of all classes of stock of the employer, (C) highly compensated, or (D) a spouse or dependent (within the meaning of Section 152) of an individual described in Subparagraph (A), (B), or (C). (2) Highly compensated individual. The term "highly compensated individual" means an individual who is described in Subparagraph (A), (B), (C), or (D) of Paragraph (1).

Should illigeal immigrants have fair justice?

Yes, and fair justice is deportation A nation that does not uphold it's own laws is a failed or failing nation.What seems fair to an illegal immigrant is not likely to be fair to citizens or other legal immigrants of the imposed upon nation.All individual nations are still sovereign and solely responsible for their own laws.

Does compensation have to be refunded when personal injury case is settled in Illinois?

If the personal injury case in Illinois is settled compensation has to be refunded to the individual and the persons who provided for that individual up until the case was settled. The compensation amount will be back dated to the date of the injury.

Can someone get a k-3 visa after deportation?

You should contact the US embassy to see how you can resolve that and get it off your background. Deportation seriously harms an individual's reputation thus making it hard to enter the same country again.

Do immigrants do the harder work and cheaper?

It is a common stereotype that immigrants work harder and for less money. However, it all depend on individual immigrants, and their professions.

Are Afghans refugees or immigrants?

Some can be refugees, some can be immigrants and some can be ordinary citizens. It depends on their individual circumstances.

What are examples of how staffing activities are influenced by Compensation activities?

Staffing is very important to find the right person for the job through training and compensation. On one hand, Staffing can be influenced by training through how staffs are trained, and the recruitment process can be influenced by training. On the other hand staffing can be influenced by compensation in a similar manner.Compensation refers to employees fairly compensated in return of the work performed for the company. The staffing process must be equally and fairly compensated between employer and employee. If the employee is less compensated then the employer may lose the employee. Since different individuals consider different compensations it is imperative to be fair in staffing with the use of compensation.Staff need to be sensitive for the compensation categories favored by the demographics of the employees. Company should consider the compensation based on the candidates' work history; an experienced individual expects reasonably high pay package compared to low level employee. Therefore it is significant to ensure that employees see the link between their work and their compensation. If employees don't feel like doing more work for the company unless not rewarded well and as a result will produce recognizable results and will be less motivated. Therefore employer should notice how little or large work capacities are handled by the employees and reward them justice.

Credentialing process involves objective evaluation and documentation of an individual's?

Compensation amount

Does worker compensation have to be refunded when personal injury case attached to it is settled?

Yes compensation has to be refunded if the case is settled. The compensation will need to be refunded to the person injured, whoever assisted with the injured individual, and the courts.

Can Citizenship be taken from an individual or renounced in the United States?

You have to be outside of the US to renounce your citizenship, so the question of deportation wouldn't arise in the first place.

What is Compensation Expectations?

Compensation expectations refer to the amount of salary, benefits, or other perks that an individual anticipates receiving for a specific job or role. It may be based on factors such as the individual's qualifications, the industry standards, and the company's budget. It is important for job seekers to have a clear understanding of their compensation expectations to negotiate effectively during the job offer process.

What problems did the Japanese immigrants encounter here in the US?

Japanese immigrants may experience culture shock because the United States is focused on the individual and not the unit. In Japan, there is more loyalty to the organization than towards the individual.