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Q: Can antibiotics be taken to cure someone of AIDS?
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Can AIDS be cured with antibiotics.?

No it can not.

Someone told me lion skin is the cure for the AIDS virus Is this true?

NO, AIDS doesn't have a cure.

What types of illnesses are antibiotics not able to cure?

some forms of STDs AIDS and HIVs

Can AIDS be treated with antibiotics?

False. There is no cure yet for AIDS. Antibiotics work on bacteria. So if an AIDS patient gets a secondary bacterial infection, it would be appropriate for them to take antibiotics to help with the bacterial infection. AIDS is caused by the HIV virus, so antibiotics would be ineffective for treatment of the AIDS itself, just secondary infections associated with the AIDS. They are especially prone to these because of the lowered ability of AIDS patients' immune systems to fight disease.

Which of the these statements about antibiotics is false?

Safely using antibiotics can only be done when a patient has all the facts. The most common misconception about antibiotics is that they can cure any infection. This statement is false and when taken improperly, antibiotics may not cure an infection, they can make a person sick.

Why no pepper should be taken when using antibiotics?

There is not any evidence that states pepper cannot be taken when using antibiotics. Pepper is often used to cure sinus infections.

Is it true that someone found a cure for hiv and aids and they were murdered?

It is not true.

What types of illnesses do antibiotics cure?

Antibiotics only cure bacterial infections. Antibiotics will not cure a viral infection.

What is the remedy to cure aids?

there is no cure to aids

Can a urinary tract infection inter fear with your deop shot?

No but the antibiotics taken to cure the infection can.

What can antibiotics also cure?

Antibiotics can cure all types of bacterial infections.

Does garlic help to cure aids?

No, there is currently no known cure for AIDS.