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Yes, there are many vegetarian athletes.

There are many vegetarian sources of protein. Most come from nuts and seeds (peanuts, cashews, almonds, flax, etc.). Soy is also a great source of vegetarian protein. Some vegetarians do eat eggs, in which case egg whites are pure protein. Yogurt contains some protein, too. There are also many protein-fortified bars and shakes and powders that a person can use if they feel that they still are not getting enough protein in their diet.

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Q: Can athletes get all the protein they need from a vegetarian diet?
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Can not having enough protein on a vegetarian diet lead to not having your period for multiple months?

It can! This is why you need to take protein juices and calcium in your vegetarian diet.

What do vegetarians need to do about the lacking of nutrients?

There are plenty of nutrients in a vegetarian diet. Eat vegetarian foods rich in iron, protein, calcium and vitamin B12.

Add Soy Protein to Vegetarian Diet?

A vegetarian diet is an ideal way to improve your heart health. However, if this type of diet is not carefully planned, it can lack the protein you need to keep your ticker fine tuned. Soy protein is especially beneficial for the heart. Studies show that eating 25 grams of soy protein per day can help reduce the risk of heart disease. You can get this protein in your diet by drinking soymilk, and eating tofu and other soy-based vegetarian products.

How is a footballers diet different to a normal persons diet?

Athletes eat more calories than average people. They need more protein and more carbohydrates.

Do you need more protein in your diet when you exercise?

Protein does help build muscle! the typical person in the US and Canada consumes way more protein than is recommended so no, you don't need to. Even athletes in training don't typically need to because usually high energy foods also contain high protein. However that is based on the assumption of a typical American diet. If you eat well and follow the nutritional guidelines: a range of 10-35% of your total calorie intake is recommended. (athletes need about 5% more)

Why we need protein in our diet?

We need protein in our diets for growth and repair

Easy Ways to Adapt a High Protein Diet?

A high protein diet plan is a diet to consider for anyone who is putting their muscles through a lot of work. Muscles that have been broken down need protein to rebuild. After a workout, athletes should feed their muscles the nutrients they are looking forprotein. Protein can be found in meat and fish. Fish, like salmon, are especially high in protein. Athletes should add fish to their diets a couple times a week to give their muscles a rich source of protein. Protein can also be found in green vegetables. A smoothie with blended spinach is a great way to get protein on the go.

What are Brahmins' food and diet?

vegetarian. In the Hindu religion it is believed that you are unpure by eating most meats, unless you are the class in the caste system below the brahmins (warriors) who need protein

Is it good to be a vegertarian?

No... Of course vegtables are good for you but you need protein for your brain too! If you want a healthy lifestyle you have to be balanced out !EDIT: While I'm NOT a vegetarian I know there ARE alternative sources of protein other than meat. There's NOTHING wrong with being a vegetarian - so long as you maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

Why does an alhlete need protein?

protein is neede for the body to build muscles, and muscles are important to athletes.

How do you improve protein quality of a vegetarian diet?

To ensure that you are getting enough protein in your diet while staying vegetarian you should eat foods like beans, nuts, and anything soy based like tofu or soy milk. In reality, we need relatively small amounts of protein, and almost all unrefined plant foods have plenty. Protein deficiency is practically impossible if you're getting enough calories from unrefined foods. Keep in mind that the majority of people in America are getting twice the daily recommended amount of protein each day. You do not need to eat as much protein to stay healthy as you might think.

What nutrients do vegetarian diets have to keep you healthy?

Withing the vegetarian diet there are ALL the nutrients you need to keep you healthy. Just make sure to eat balanced. Beans and nuts are a vital source of protein, and certain vegetables are necessary for iron (like spinach.)