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Yes, an aye-aye uses echolocation and is the only primate to do so.

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Q: Can aye-ayes use echolocation
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How do you use echolocation in a sentences?

Bats use echolocation.

Use echolocation in a sentence?

"Bats use echolocation to move around." Is a sentence using echolocation

Do a ghost faced bat use echolocation?

Yes they do use echolocation

What is echolocation on bats?

Echolocation is when you use sound to locate where something is. Bats use it.

What do most bats use echolocation for?

Bats use echolocation to identify objects and where it is.

Do Orcas use echolocation?

Killer whales use sonar which is a form of echolocation.

Do mega-bats use echolocation?

Yes, mega-bats use echolocation

What are 2 way of writing a sentence using the word echolocation?

Bats use echolocation. Blind people can also use echolocation.

What does echolocation skills mean?

Echolocation is the ability to detect objects by bouncing sound off of them. Bats use Echolocation to navigate in darkness. Dolphins also use echolocation, but in water it is called sonar.

What is the importance of echolocation for bats?

They use echolocation to hunt for their food dur

What animals use echolocation?

Bats, dolphins, Whales, shrews, flying squirrels use echolocation.

What do bats use to located food and navigate?

Echolocation it is very similar to the way dolphins and whales use echolocation