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I have heard of this from lots of people back in the day my dads hired hand on the farm gave skoal to our border collie for worms my neighbor used to give his dog a cigarette every now and again and I personally have given weaned calves a used pinch of grizzly mint whether or not it really works I don't know but all the aforementioned dogs lived their lives free of worms and the calves never got sick don't see how it could hurt but I also remember using really cheap chewing tobacco and hot pepper on horse stalls to stop cribbing like all cribbing remedies it worked for a while but wasn't a long term solution

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Q: Can chewing tobacco be used for worming horses?
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What is used for chewing that start with letter T?

Tobacco can be used for chewing

Does Randy Orton use chewing tobacco?

Randy Orton used to smoke now i belive hes using chewing tobacco because smoke takes a toll on a persons stamina and chewing tobacco dont effect stamina as much.

What id tobacco used for?

Tobacco is used for smoking, chewing, and snuff. It is also a source of nicotine tartrate used in some medicines and nicotine sulfate for insecticides.

What are 3 ways tobacco is used?

Tobacco can be used in five forms Cigarettes Pipes Cigars Chewing Tabacco and one other one i just dont remember

Where did deworming medicain for horses originate from?

Worming has been known for thousands of years and is a technique developed by herbalists. A good example of an anthelmintic (worming agent) is wormwood, which is the herb used to give vermouth its bitter taste. Garlic can also be used to eliminate pinworms.

Is skoal safer than chewing tobacco?

Skoal is dip, or chew. If you are referring to something like beechnut or redman, actual chewing tobaccos, it's not really safer, just used a little differently. Some might say that chewing tobacco is a little less harse than dip.

What do you call a tobacco chew?

Chewing Tobacco is not used in Britain. It is on ly known from American movies and would be considered very uncouth to spit anything in public.

Which tobacco product may be chewed or placed between the lower lip and teeth or sniffed through the nose?

Chewing tobacco dont do it it will rot your teeth out and give you cancer

Why do baseball players chew gum when they play baseball?

they actually used to chew tobacco but now rely on gum instead in order to keep their mouths from going dry.

What is tobacca?

The word tobacca gives a kind of sloppy pronunciation that some people use for the word tobacco, which is the plant that contains the addictive drug nicotine, used for making cigars and cigarettes, and chewing tobacco.

What is lime stone paste?

it is used for palm nut also known as betelnut - it is used as an added flavor for chewing, just like you would do when using tobacco products

What is chewing tobacco like is it gross?

Tobacco is a versatile drug; it can be smoked, chewed, or snorted in the form of snuff. The gross thing about chewing tobacco (not counting the addictive and carcinogenic properties) is that you chew it and then spit it out, you don't swallow it. It is somewhat disgusting to see someone spit out a wad of brown gunk. In places where this happens a lot, people have (or used to have) a special container for people to spit into, called a spittoon.