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Q: Can creditor take social security disability?
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Social Security Disability cannot be garnished.

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Not without a judge or magistrate ruling in their favour.

How can I Qualify for Social Security Disability?

Social security disability insurance is never a source of income that individuals want to have. However, many individuals end up with a physical or mental illness that allows them to qualify for social security disability. There are several criteria that individuals must meet before they can be approved for disability payments. First, individuals must earn credit. Workers earn credits towards social security disability based upon their income. Each year a fixed rate of dollars earned to credits is set by the Social Security Administration. For example, one year a credit may be earned for every $1,000 in income. Another year may have an individual earning one credit for every $1,500 in income. Individuals must pay social security taxes on the income in order to earn credit towards social security disability. Second, individuals must have a qualified disability. A patient cannot simply decide to enroll in social security disability because they need money. They must have a qualified disability that meets specific criteria. Individuals must be unable to return to their previous type of work, unable to change to a new job due to their medical condition and have a disability that will last at least one year or result in death. Many individuals who attempt to claim social security disability have their first claim rejected. The Social Security Administration does not want to pay out claims for individuals who are not disabled. They take extreme security measures to ensure that individuals with a bona fide disability receive the payments that they deserve. There are some conditions which are automatically approved for disability. Other conditions may require a medical examination and review before individuals will have their claim approved. Anyone filing a social security disability claim should be aware that it can take months or years in order to receive disability payments. Social security disability provides payment for the necessary items that individuals need to live their day to day lives. There are a number of diseases and medical conditions that automatically qualify an individual for social security disability. However, individuals who do not have one of these conditions but believe they are disabled may still qualify. They simply need to contact their nearest Social Security Administration for assistance filing a claim.

Can they credit card companies sue you and take your Social Security Insurance?

A creditor can file a lawsuit against a debtor who has defaulted on a contract. But, all Social Security benefits are exempt under federal law from creditor garnishment. This does not mean that if the creditor sues and receives a judgment against the debtor they will not have other means of executing the judgment to recover the debt owed.

What does Social Security most look for in its disability paperwork?

The social security office will check to make sure that the person is entitled to social security payments, that he is fully covered, what his illness is, can he work at least part time. They will do a complete check on the background, the type of work they do, how much they earn and more. It can take months before they get back to you so be patient. Then you will not know if you qualify or not. It is not easy to get social security disability checks these days.