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Unfortunately no, eating garlic will not cure, or even prevent, a yeast infection. But there are several over the counter creams and pills that you can pick up at your local pharmacy. If those don't work, your doctor can prescribe something a little stronger that should work.

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4y ago

For years I have used garlic as a way to successfully avoid yeast infections while on antibiotics. Although fresh is ALWAYS best, it's usually too strong for me. Instead I take store-bought garlic pills, looking for the active amount of "allicin". I then take 2-3 times the recommended daily dose throughout the course of my antibiotics.

If you are past that point and already have a yeast infection, follow the same course with that garlic and make yogurt suppositories. I **ONLY** use ORGANIC, WHOLE MILK, **PLAIN** yogurt to do this. Read your ingredients to make sure there is NO added sugars of ANY kind otherwise you're adding to the problem!! Soak a tampon or small natural sponge in the yogurt then insert into your vaginal canal. Change out the tampon every 2-3 hours during the day. Use more yogurt throughout the vulv@ to help with itching and burning. Wear a pad in your underwear to soak up any extra yogurt. Garlic in the meantime will help to maintain a balance of good bacteria in your vulv@, which is required to keep the yeast in your vulv@ in check.

P.S. I was not allowed to use anatomical terms in this post.

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Q: Can eating garlic cure a yeast infection?
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