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Canker sores are completely different form herpes. Canker sores are basically a mouth wound. You can get it from a toothbrush scrapes, stress, allergy, etc. There is only one way to get any kind of herpes and it's to get it from someone who already has it. So no, canker sore cannot cause genital herpes because they are different.

You can get herpes on your genitals if some one with a visible cold sore or fever blisters (which are caused by oral herpes) gives you oral sex, but as stated, these are unrelated from canker sores.

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11y ago

No they can not.

Yes, actually it can. If your partner has a cold sore and you receive oral, the HSV-1 strain can spread. This is more common for women than men as they have a greater number and larger areas of mucous membranes than men. It is currently the most rapidly growing source of genital herpes. Because of the virus' extreme highly contagion rate you can even infect yourself from a lip cold sore and touching your genital regions through masturbation or poor hygiene.

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14y ago

Yes, a person with genital herpes can get cold sores.

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13y ago

You can not get herpes from a canker sore.

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Can making out with a person who gets canker sores give you canker sores?

No. I have canker sores and have never kowingly given some one canker sores. Canker sores are not caused by the same thing that causes cold sores and as far as I know they are not contagious. But to be on the safe side avoid kissing this person until their canker sores go away.

Does Ambien cause canker sores?

Ambien doesn't cause canker sores.

What is the difference between a cold sore fever blister and herpes?

Canker sores an cold sores are not the same thing. Oral herpes is caused by a contagious virus. Cold sores can cause a lot of discomfort or pain and they affect the out side of the mouth. Canker sores are caused by bacteria and as far as I know they are not contagious. Canker sores are raise white slightly itchy masses that occuron the inside of the mouth.

Is it possible to have a canker sore in your mouth and have a cold sore on your lip at the same time?

No the chances of canker sores are very less, canker sores once there are contagious though.

Can canker sores be caught from someone else?

No, canker sores are abrasions inside your mouth and can be caused by biting your mouth, stress, drinking coffee etc. Cold sores (oral herpes) can be spread by someone else.

Can being allergic to nuts cause canker sores?

I get canker sores from nuts. No other reaction but the pesky sores.

Why is it important for a distinction to be made between a canker and a cold sore?

The two sores can usually be distinguished visually and there are specific diagnostic tests for herpes infection.

Where are pictures of canker sores?

The cause of canker sores is unknown but they occur in the mouth and can be quite painful. Pictures of canker sores can be found on any medical website, health or medical magazines and books.

What is the drug for canker sores?

FYI canaker sores are not related to oral herpes (the virus that causes cold sores). See related link for some remedies.

What is an incureable virus that causes blistering sores in the genital area?


What would cause bump like sores around your anus?

It could either be hemmoroids or and STD such as genital herpes. Hemmoroids are caused from too much pressure or undue straining. Genital Herpes is an sexually transmitted disease.