

Does broken fingers grow back

Updated: 8/10/2023
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10y ago

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Not usually, though on very rare occasions it has been reported to happen. My left index finger was cut off at the first joint when I was about 2 1/2 years old, by my estimate, in a door. It was found about an hour and a half later, and packed on ice while my parents rushed me to the hospital to have it sewn back on. It didn't take and withered up like a raisin. I was deeply saddened and tried to get my mother to tape it back on when I bumped it and it fell off at the dinner table. We prayed about it, and weeks later she noticed a growth that looked similar to a nail. It continued growing up to a point where it was functional and then stopped. It is slightly shorter than the other hand index finger because it lacks the padding at the tip. The nail also curls downward, and has scar tissue underneath, but I can do everything as if I had not lost the finger. I type, play guitar and everything else. I just wish it did not look any different. I also have to be careful not to cut open the scar tissue when I clip that fingernail.


There are some studies that suggest that before the age of 9 years of age, a person can grow back a finger tip.


No, This wouldn't be possible. You'd just have a stump...

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The bones in a broken finger finger will usually heal, although they may heal crooked if you haven't had then set and cared for them while healing.

But if a finger has been entirely lost, as in cut or torn off, it won't grow back.

Depending on how damaged it was, how close to a good hospital you are, and what finger it was, it can sometimes be surgically reattached, although results vary.

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Depends on how much of it you lose, and how the wound is treated.

If you lose something like half the nail, or even down to the cuticle, and the cut is left open, then something fairly functional and natural looking can grow back.

But the further towards the joint, and particularly if the wound is stitched up, the more likely you are to end up with a stump.

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Not in any really important amount.

There is some evidence that a fingertip might regrow, but that's about it. And while functional, they still do consist of scar tissue and not a complete regeneration.

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