

Can magnesium be powder

Updated: 8/20/2019
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8y ago

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Yes. You must be very careful with powdered magnesium as it is flammable and burns bright enough to damage your eyes.

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Q: Can magnesium be powder
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What is elemental magnesium?

Magnesium powder is elemental magnesium ground down to a fine powder.

When you heat iron oxide powder with magnesium powder?

you get magnesium oxide + iron

How is magnesium used in photography?

The magnesium powder is used as a source of illumination for the photo. Just for the older cameras, the ones we have today use lights not the magnesium powder.

What is the physical change of magnesium powder?

For example the melting of this powder.

When the magnesium burns in air a white powder is formed?

Yes it is. And you have not asked a question yet. The white powder is magnesium oxide.

When you heat copper oxide and magnesium why do you get grey powder?

You get a grey powder because magnesium is higher up in the reactivity series than Copper - (magnesium is more reactive than copper) therefore when you heat it up there is a displacement reaction. That grey powder is actully magnesium oxide and copper e.g Copper oxide + magnesium = magnesium oxide and copper.

What is the name of the white powder that is left when you burn magnesium?

the white powder is magnesium oxide. Magnesium burns in air with a dazzling white light to produce magnesium oxide. the equation is- 2Mg + O2 = 2MgO

What does magnesium look like after burning in air?

magnesium look like white powder after burning in air. magnesium burns in air n react with atmospheric oxygen n forms magnesium oxide which is a white powder.

How does nitrogen gas react with magnesium?

Magnesium nitride is formed when magnesium powder is burned in the presence of nitrogen gas.

What is the scientific name for baby powder?

Hydrated magnesium silicate if its talcum powder.

What is that mysterious white powder?

magnesium oxide

Can you use magnesium chlorate powder as a foot rub?

I suppose that you think to magnesium chloride.