

Can male elephants carry baby elephants?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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7y ago

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No. An elephant is not constructed in a way that would allow this. Baby elephants are able to walk with their mothers almost as soon as they are born, and the adult males don't live with the group anyway.

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Q: Can male elephants carry baby elephants?
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Related questions

What are baby elephants called?

Elephant babies are called calfs, male elephants are called bulls, and females are called cows.

Where are elephants born?

Baby elephants are born just like humans. When the parents, a male and a female elephant mate, the female elephant becomes pregnant. After a gestation period the baby elephant is born.

What animal does the male carry the baby?

Seahorse for one...

Do elephants live in prides?

Elephants live as a big heard which comprises of dozens of females and a bunch of baby elephants too. Almost all female baby elephants stay with the herd all their lives. Whereas, the male baby elephants usually leave the herd when they are around 5 years or so. Once they are old enough to fend for themselves, they usually wander off and lead solitary lives.

What do baby elephants suck with?

Baby elephants suck with their trunks

What do they call baby elephants?

Male = Bull Female = Cow Young = Calf

Why don't female elephants like to live with male elephants?

Because the male can get aggresive with the baby elephant so if the baby elephant lives when its older it could die early or get aggressive with its own baby witch could go on with the family and could become more and more extinct until they disappear [this is happening right now]:D

Does the male carry the baby?

only in seahorses x and only in george! :L

Is it possible for a male to get pregnant?

no, men do not have the eternal parts to carry a baby fetus.

Which elephants have tusks?

Female African Elephants have small tusks while Male African Elephants have large tusks. In Asian Elephants, only the males have tusks. Females have very small or no tusks at all. Even among male elephants, the African Male's tusks are much larger than the Asian Males tusks

How do baby elephants learn?

Baby elephants learn everything from their mothers. When the baby grows up, and has its own baby elephants, the knowledge is passed down onto the baby, where the process is repeated for centuries.

Can elephants have children?

They can have baby elephants, YES.