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No, penis size cannot cause a urinary tract infection. UTI usually occurs from bacteria getting into the urethra and going to the bladder.

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Q: Can penis size cause an Urinary Tract Infection?
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Is a urinary tract infection and gonorrhea the same thing?

Gonorrhea is typically a reproductive tract infection, locating in the penis in the male and the vagina in the female. However, it is possible for gonorrhea to transit to the urinary tract in both genders due to the proximity of the urethra to the reproductive tract.

If it hurts when you urinate and you have a white discharge coming from your penis what does this mean?

if it burns during passing urine then may be urinary tract infection and you need to consult doctor or take alot of water first and white discharge coming from penis is normal.Just go to the doctor. You have a urinary tract infection or possibly an STD .

What would cause your penis to burn?

A single burning episode may be nothing to worry about, but burning that lasts for a day or more could well be a urinary tract infection. NOTE: Most urinary tract infections are NOT sexually transmitted diseases and they can happen to anyone at any time. A doctor can perform a simple test for infection and prescribe antibiotics. Most urinary tract infections are easily cured with antibiotics but it is important to treat them because if left alone it is possible for them to cause permanent damage.

Can a bladder infection cause a kidney infection?

Nope. These infections are caused by bacteria. Namely e-coli that can get into the urinary tract from the bowels. Feces can get on the hands and then the person touches the penis. The e-coli get inside and multiply, causing the infection. A fall could cause bruising of these and other internal organs however.

What is a urinary track?

It's not urinary track but the urinary tract. The urinary tract is the path that your body fluids take to exit your body. Kidneys>Bladder>Penis or Vagina

Do males have urinary meatus?

Yes we do - it's the sensitive opening to the urinary tract at the end of the penis.

Can a fall cause a bladder or kidney infection?

Nope. These infections are caused by bacteria. Namely e-coli that can get into the urinary tract from the bowels. Feces can get on the hands and then the person touches the penis. The e-coli get inside and multiply, causing the infection. A fall could cause bruising of these and other internal organs however.

Why does your one year old dog have green slime leaking from his penis?

He could have a urinary tract infection or he might have a grass seed in his prepuce. It might be an idea to get him checked out by a veterinarian.

Your penis has puss coming out of it?

If you have had sex with someone, you probably picked up a STD. Probably Gonorrhea. If not, it could be a UTI, Urinary Tract Infection. Go to a doctor or clinic and have it looked at ASAP.

Burn in your penis when you urnate?

you probably have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). It should eventually go away, but just make sure you wash your penis really well and don't get any soap inside of it, because that will make it burn more.

What are the causes of a urinary tract infection?

The most common causes of an UTI (urinary tract infection) in children are: 1. an uncircumcised penis 2. poor hygiene 3. anatomical anomalies within the urinary tract. Essentially, bacteria from the anal area find their way into the urethra and subsequently make their way into the bladder (cystitis) and may perhaps all the way up into the kidneys (pyelonephritis). or not drinking enough water. And not cleaning yourself after having sex. Addition: While An uncircumcised penis can trap the bacteria which leads to a UTI it is however not the cause,Poor personal hygiene of an uncircumcised penis would be the cause.The failure to wash before and after sexual intercourse...Also the failure to wash properly before changing from vaginal to anal intercourse and vise-versa.

How do men get UTI?

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is caused by bacteria that get inside your urinary tract. Most bacteria that enter your urinary tract are expelled when you urinate. If the bacteria stay in your urinary tract, you may get an infection.Chlamydia and Mycoplasma, both microorganisms, can also cause urinary tract infections in men, but the trend of these types of infections is to remain limited to the urethra and reproductive system. Unlike E. coli, Chlamydia and Mycoplasma can be sexually transmitted and infections require treatment of both male and female partners.Men who are uncircumcised are more at risk to become infected because the bacteria can build up much more easily in the folds of the extra skin on the penis, as are men who engage in anal intercourse.Some men are more prone to getting a urinary tract infection than others. Any irregularity of the urinary tract that obstructs the flow of urine (e.g., a kidney stone) increases the risk for an infection. An enlarged prostate gland can also impede and slow the flow of urine, thus raising the risk of infection. A common source of infection is catheters, or tubes, placed in the urethra and bladder. A man who cannot void or is unconscious or critically ill might use a catheter that stays in place for a prolonged period. Some men, especially the elderly and those with nervous system disorders that cause loss of bladder control, may need a catheter for life.Men with diabetes have a higher risk of developing a UTI because of changes in the immune system. Any other disorder that suppresses the immune system raises the risk of a urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infections may occur in infant boys who are born with abnormal urinary tracts that sometimes need to be corrected with surgery. Urinary tract infections occur less frequently in boys and young men than girls and young women. Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill is usually recommended to use if you take uti for a long time. You just need to take them two packages a day with three meals. After three months, your condition will get great improvements.