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No. Scours, or BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhea) is not a zoonotic illness that can be transmitted from animal to human or vice versa.

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Q: Can people get sick from a cow with scours?
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Will goats eat toxic plants?

Yes they can but plants that are toxic to goats will make them very sick - scours, liver problems even death.

What are the consequences of a quick change in a cow's diet?

The cow would get sick.

What is a rhyming pair for a sick cow?

moo flu

Can an 11 yr old get sick from playing in cow manure?

yes because cow munare is germs and it can enter the body and make an infection it really depends if the cow has a virus or any thing that would make it sick

Diseases of sheep goat cow?

Common diseases in Beef cattle: Leptospirosis, black leg, bloat, foot rot, pneumonia, scours, mastitis, milk fever, twisted stomach, white muscle disease. Common diseases in sheep and goats: Black leg, scours, bloat, foot rot, mastitis, rectal and vaginal prolapse.

How do you treat a calf with scours?

Scours can be caused by anything: pnuemonia, BVD, cold weather stress, etc. A general antibiotic and electrolytes may be the only way to help treat a calf with scours. But see your vet for advice first.

When can you give a miracle potion to a cow in harvest moon a wonderful life?

if the barn isn't full and the cow isn't sick

What do you do when your cow is sick on Harvest Moon?

You should call Yodel Farm and buy cow/sheep healing potion then go near your cow and use it (press B). your cow should now be healthy!

Can a human get scours from pigs?

Type your answer here... no

How often to drench young cattle?

Calves only need to be drenched if they are needing it, like if they have severe scours or are too sick to eat. You will need to drench them as often as what the instructions say on the label of the formula you are drenching the calf with.

What is the color of scours?

Off yellow or green yellow.

What does scours up mean?

it means livestock droppings