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Q: Can red light kill aquatic plants?
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Can red light kill plants?

It depends on what plant it is and what conditions it lives in but yes and no a plant that belongs in coldness might not get the conditions it needs, but plants that can such as corn plants and captus plants. {PEACE}:O

What color light do plants best grow in?

Red color of light

What light is better for plants?

Sun light is better for plants to perform photosynthesis and red spectrum of light is more useful in this process.

How does the colour of light affect plant growth?

Plants are green because the reflect green light. They do not use green light, they use red light to make food. Some plastic mulches are red to reflect red light onto plants to make them grow more.

What color of light affect plants the most?


What types of light do plants absorbe?

red and blue

What light makes plants grow faster?


Why do plants grow better under red light?

The photosynthesis pathway has phytochrome systems which response to red light.

How many inches green beans grow in a week with red light?

what red light does to green bean plants

Should plants grow better in the red light or the green light?

RED do not try green it will not turn out as well

What do red eye aquatic turtles eat?

What do red eye aquatic turtles eat ?

Is red best for plant growth?

Red or blue light are the wavelengths of the visible light spectrum that are most absorbed by plants.