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Immaturity has no limits, and everyone falls in love someday.

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Q: Can someone be too immature to fall in love even if the other person is perfect for them?
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The term "greenhorn" was originally used to describe an immature bullock or other horned animal, but now it is usually used to describe a person who is new at something.

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When somebody "hates on someone" it means that the person has an extreme dislike for that other person and therefore may not show an interest in that other person on any level

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Usually in relationships, it is to be with someone for a personal gain without interest in the other person. Other Definition: To Flirt with a person.

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Perfect freedom can intrude on other's "perfect freedom" or utopia. No one could ever agree on what perfect freedom means.

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In the same way a person from any other country compliments someone.

Are all boys immature How do you gauge or say that a boy is immature lets say a boy at his mid 20's?

This is a highly subjective observation. One person might see another as immature, while another might see them quite differently. It's probably a question you need to answer for yourself. First you need to define what you mean by maturity. For example, some might see a person who is very into sports or fast cars as immature; others might see someone who loves computer games or action movies as immature. But a person who likes fast cars, or sport, or computer games or action movies might see another person with similar interests as perfectly mature. It's possible you're asking about compatability. If your own interests and aims are quite different from this person's you could be inviting conflict if you pursue a relationship. On the other hand, people who seem quite incompatible can form excellent friendships and relationships. Follow your instincts. There are no set rules.

Who wrote You come to love not by finding the perfect person but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly?

That quote is found everywhere! So many people online have made sonnets based on it. I believe that Sam Keen is the original writer though. Answer It makes perfect sense. None of us are perfect. Love is when you accept that person, imperfections and all, and love them for who they are with no ideas of "changing" them to suit your own wants. When you really love someone, you love them for everything that they are and everything they are not.

What does it mean when you dream about an adult you know but in the dream they are a child?

On one level, this dream might illustrate the dreamer's relationship with this other adult. By picturing the person as a child, the dream might be showing that they are behaving in an immature manner OR that the dreamer is treating the adult as if they are immature, dependant or helpless. > At another level, the dream is using the image of that other adult as a symbol for the dreamer's own self. This person represents some aspect of the dreamer, such as a characteristic that is immature and needs protection or development in the dreamer's own life.

What other word means immature?

Childish, puerile, sophomoric, infantile , juvenile. All mean immature to some degree.