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Q: Can someone have their last period after becoming pregnant?
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Can you get your period the first month you get pregnant?

If you are having a period, you re not pregnant. You cannot be pregnant until after your last period.

Can you have a last period before pregnancy?

Most people have a last period before they are pregnant. Some even have a period while they are pregnant.

Can you get pregnant on the last day of your period with pre-ejaculate fluid?

You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection

If you've had intercourse on day 6 after your period is there any chances of becoming pregnant and will it be a girl my last period is on May 25?

Yes you could be pregnant if you had sex without BC - See link for gender prediction. Good Luck.

What are the chances of becoming pregnant if the first day of your last period was July 5th and you had intercourse July 13th and July 21st?

not very high but you can if you keep on tring.

I started my last period on the 20th of Dec and it lasted the normal 5 days but my breasts have still been really sore.What is going on?

you are becoming pregnant. Congratulations.

If your period was 2 weeks apart last month for the 1st time but this month you were 1 week late could you be pregnant?

Vaginal bleeding can occur during pregnancy, which may be mistaken for a period. Any time you have unprotected sex, you are at risk of becoming pregnant.

Can you just finish a period and be newly pregnant from before making that what if your last period?

I meant making that your last period

How far are you when you have your last period when you are pregnant?

about -------------------- that far

Can you still get pregnant on the last day of your period?


Can you get pregnant on the last day of your period and also which is pregnancy most likely to happen during your period or with a condom?

Yes you can get pregnant on your last day of your period and if the condom is on right and doesn't break or slide off it's most likely to get pregnant on your period.

Can a woman be pregnant if she had her period after nineteen days of delayed menstruation?

If you have had a menstrual period then you are not pregnant. It is impossible to have a period while pregnant. If you feel that you could be pregnant and are having bleeding during pregnancy you should see a Dr as soon as possible to rule out miscarriage, infection, and other pregnancy complications.