

Can topaz scratched other rocks and minerals?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Can topaz scratched other rocks and minerals?
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Which mineral can be scratched by glass but not a penny?

A topaz

What can a penny scratched?

Topaz,Calcite Cooprarte

Can hematite be scratched by a nail?

It can be scratched by a diamond, corundum, topaz, and quartz.

What is pyrite scratch?

It can be scratched by a diamond, corundum, topaz, and quartz.

Besides a diamond what other rocks are hard?

Quartz, topaz, emerald, corundum.

What other minerals can scratch topaz?

I dont know, I have been seacrching Google myself!! :(

What can minerals like topaz form?

Your question is unclear. Topaz is a mineral.

Where does topaz form?

Topaz crystallizes from fluorine-bearing vapor in last stages of solidification of igneous rocks. Thus, cavities in lavas and granitic rocks: in pegmatites, in alluvial deposits Secondary concentrations of topaz occur in stream beds and other alluvial deposit

What are the minerals in Brazil?

Hundreds of minerals are found in Brazil, from diamonds to topaz to quartz.

How does topaz fit in the Igneous category?

It has been cooled and hardend like other rocks! Thanks for seaching!

What are Quartz topaz and talc?

igneous rocks