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Certainly, if that is how the will was written. The deceased gets to say who gets what. If there is no will, the state laws will determine how it is distributed.

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Q: Can two children inherit the house and the other 3 be excluded?
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Did Shakespeare's children inherit anything from him?

Well one of his children died before him so he didn't inherit anything from him, but his other two children got his house and money but neither of them managed to take up his acting career, mostly because they were both girls.

Do children become responsible for deceased parents debt in Connecticut?

In Connecticut and other states, the children are not personally responsible for the bills, unless they co-signed them. However, the estate is responsible. Which means that the estate may be depleted and a lien placed on the house. The children may not inherit anything.

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The quote, "Thou who troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind," is said twice in the book/play, Inherit the Wind. Many other bible verses are recited in the play, though.

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I assume that you are the sole owner of the house. You would need to check your state laws of intestacy to determine what your husband's rights would be if you died intestate, or, without a will. On the other hand, you could provide your husband with a life estate in your will.

When a parent dies without making a will is money divided between children or does it go to eldest child or son?

Assuming there is no other surviving parent, it will be divided among the children and issue of any predeceased children. The eldest son does not inherit to the exclusion of the other children.

Your step father died. He and your mother had children together. Who are his next-of-kin and who will inherit his house?

In some states the surviving spouse inherits the property. In other states the property is shared by the surviving spouse and children. Step children are not heirs-at-law unless they were legally adopted. The answer depends on the laws in your state or jurisdiction. You can check those laws at the related question link provided below.

Predeceased children have issue that can inherit therefore living children have issue that can inherit?

It depends on how the will is written. Usually, the grandchildren of the deceased will inherit the share their parent would have inherited if they were alive. If the deceased had three children, and each of them had two childred and one of them had died. The two children would get a third each and the two grand children would have a sixth each. The other option is if the will says 'per stirpes' which would mean that all of the living descendants would get an equal share. In this case the example above would result in each living child and grandchild getting one eight of a share.

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excluded means to set aside. excluded values are the values set aside just for these problems and no other problems.

Can a first cousin once removed inherit?

Anybody can inherit if he or she is named in the will. If that person is not named, but is nonetheless the closest surviving relative, then he or she can still inherit. If there are closer surviving relatives, then inheritance is less likely.

How does a person inherit a trait such as hair texture?

I think it's just a gene you inherit like any other

Why is Okonkwo terrified that his other children will join Nwoye in the white man's church?

For Okonkwo, the other religion provides no appeal and is madness, so he can not understand why Nwoye would have joined it. Further, he does not wish to see his children turn their backs on the gods, they would further be ostracized by other villagers, and excluded from high ranks of the tribe.

What if a parent dies and has 7 children and one of the children takes over the house saying it is hers?

don't the other children have a right to the home also?