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WRONG, you may die but theoratically you can catch the bullet due to it not travelling as fast as light, problem is that if you go to grab it you would be shot due to the velocity unless your hand travelled away at a velocity slightly less so you would catch it, dont try though

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Q: Can you catch a bullet from a fired a gun?
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Which has more momentum a train at rest or a bullet fired from a gun?

A bullet fired from a gun

A bullet dropped versus a bullet fired from a gun which has greater acceleration?

The bullet fired from a gun has greater horizontal acceleration. For vertical acceleration, they are both the same.

Can you catch a bullet from a fired a gun in a long distance?

No. Trying to do so will get you killed. Bad idea. REALLY bad idea.

When a bullet is fired the gun recoils?


What is projectiles that is fired from a gun called?

Projectile, bullet

Is a bullet fired into a gel or into what material when trying to identify the gun a bullet is fired from?

I used gelatin or a large water tank.

How can you trace a criminal by a bullet?

When a bullet is fired from a rifled firearm, the rifling leaves marks on the bullet. Those marks are unique to that gun, and no other gun makes exactly the same marks. If a bullet (or fired cartridge casing) is recovered from a crime scene, and we suspect that YOUR gun was used to commit this crime, then a sample bullet is fired from your gun, and compared to the crime scene bullet. A comparison microscope is used to compare the bullets, or marks made on the fired cartridge case by the extractor and firing pin.

What is the momentum of a bullet fired from a gun?

It is known as the Velocity (speed).

Why the gun leans backward when the bullet fire from the gun?

It's the recoil from the force of the bullet being fired. The gun powder pushes the bullet forward and also equally pushes the gun back into your hand.

What is the term recoil o f the gun?

Bullet forward, gun back - as in when the gun is fired, the bullet goes forward, and the explosion pushes (recoil) the gun backwards.

What part of gun is a barrel?

the barrel is the part that the bullet travels through once the gun is fired. it is on the inside of the gun.

What happens when a gun gets hit directly by a bullet?

Damage. How much depends on the gun that fired the bullet that hits it. it probably would explode