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You can always claim unemployment. Whether you get the benefit or not is the question. I am an employer of 2 companies and usually if you state on the aplication that you have a history as a convicted felon and then they fire you for that reason then yes you should be able to get the unemployment calim approved.

However you state that you have a pending felony case. Now it depends on the company policies and the state guidelines that apply to the situation at hand.

My companies only use convictions to determine employment. So if it is a pending case the conviction has not yet occurred. If I hired you on the bases that you do not have a conviction yet then that is all fine. But if my policiies state that if you are convicted of a felony before or after you are hired that you could be dismissed or terminated then that will apply to you in this situation.

The other part of it is the states unemployment departments interpretation of the case and the law at hand regarding the situation.

I know only a partial answer, sorry. But you asked if you could claim unemployment. The answer to that is yes. Will you get it, who knows without more information.

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Q: Can you claim unemployment if a company fires you for a pending felony case but you disclose information before background check was conducted?
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