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Excessive intestinal gas can lead to bloating, as well as increased belching or passing of gas from the rectum. Although gas itself is not lethal, severe bloating and extreme abdominal cramps should be consulted with a medical professional.

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13y ago

No, not just from breathing it

The only theoretical way would be suffocation, but the volume required would be so ludicrously high as to be virtually impossible to achieve. You would need to collect a large enough volume in an air tight space to the point where all other oxygen was removed. (and considering you would have to do this in an enclosed space, chances are even then you would use up the oxygen available and suffocate just from breathing long before you had the time to fill it with fart gas unless it had been collected and pumped in purposefully.)

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13y ago

Most people with indigestion do not feel sick enough to see a doctor; nonetheless, it is a common reason for office visits. About 3% of visits to primary care doctors are for indigestion

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No. Beans usually cause intestinal gas.

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All humans have intestinal gas.

What causes intestinal gas?

Excessive upper intestinal gas can be caused by swallowing more than a usual amount of air while eating, drinking or chewing gum. Lower intestinal gas is a normal byproduct of the bacterial action on the food that is not broken down until reaching the colon.

Can you pass gas on command by telling your body to pass gas?

Perhaps, if you have enough gas in the intestinal tract.

Ascent in an elevator may cause the volume of intestinal gas to increase and cause intestinal cramps?

The change in pressure during ascent in an elevator can cause the volume of intestinal gas to expand, leading to discomfort and potentially causing intestinal cramps. This phenomenon is similar to what happens when ascending or descending in an airplane.

What is decompresser?

Intestinal decompression is relieving gas pressure produced when intestinal obstruction or paralytic ileus is present by placing a tube in the intestinal tract, usually via the nasogastric route.

From what did hp lovecraft die?

Intestinal Caner.

Why does a buffalo fart?

Why do you or anyone fart?Farting, also known as flatulence, is the act of passing intestinal gas from the anus. Intestinal gas comes from several sources: air we swallow, gas that seeps into our intestines from our blood, gas produced by chemical reactions in our guts, and gas produced by bacteria living in our guts.

What is Intestinal Flagellate?

Intestinal flagellate of termites is the one that digest the food they eat of the wood they take ,without this they will die easily.

How do you spell borborygmus?

That is the correct spelling of "borborygmus" (sounds caused by intestinal gas).