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yes after you beat the game and gengar asks to save gardevoir you go to a dungeon with lots of ghost Pokemon and if you evolve a ghastly or haunter it can become gengar and while your in the ghost Pokemon dungeon gengar is on your team

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Yes give a link cable to a haunter then go evovle

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Q: Can you get Gengar on blue rescue team?
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When do you get Gardevoir on your teampokemon blue rescue team?

after you help gengar

If Gengar is a human on Pokemon Blue rescue team what is his name answer if you know?

i dont even think gengar is humen!!!!! Gengar is Human but you never find out his real name.

What is Gengar's real name when he was a human on Pokemon blue rescue team?

I'm sorry, I don't know

When will you get Gardevoir in Pokemon dungeon blue rescue team?

you just escort gengar and in the town square gardvoir will ask to join your team

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Mystery DungeonIf you put the blue picture above the red picture, you'll see that the hole connects Blue Rescue Team and Red Rescue Team. The Blue Team aboveground faces Alakazam, Gengar, and Tyranitar while the Red Team underground faces Ekans, Medicham, and Charizard. For some reason, Alakazam, Charizard, and Tyranitar are with the Team Meanies.

How do you get garvidiar in Pokemon Blue Mystery Dungeon?

Well you obviously get it by getting a Ralts or Kirlia to join your team. this is the easiest way: first,finish the request of medicam next,after you rescue medicham,gengar will appear infront of your team base and will ask you to escort him up to mt. freeze.and the next day,you will escort gengar to murky cave,then yor character and Gengar will go rescue Gardevoir. Gardevoir will appear in the town square the next day,talk to her,then she offers to join your rescue team.

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how do you evolve golbat in pokemon blue rescue team

Can you get pigey in Blue rescue team?

No. Pidgey is unobtainable in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team.

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riolu came out after blue rescue team so you cant get it

What is the wonder mail code for murky cave in blue rescue team?

There is no code for groudon. You must recruit him, then you get his friend area.

When does Gengar's Redemption Arc become available in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team?

Well, first of all you must beat the main storyline. After you do that, you sadly must beat everything that you can do AFTER the main storyline before you unlock the final chapter in Gengar's story.

How do you get a manaphy on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon blue rescue team?

I don't think there is a Manaphy on Blue Rescue Team.