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No, usually it takes around 10 days for implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, and pregnancy can not be determined until after implantation has occured. For most accurate and quicker results you can get a blood test from your doctor.

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11y ago

1 week is not enough. For accurate result wait at least for 4 to 6 weeks.

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13y ago

2 weeks after sex the test will be reliable.

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12y ago

No. It is too early for your body to even know its pregnant at that point. A sonogram can see an embryo at about 6 weeks. Wait until your missed period and take a pregnancy test.

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Q: Can you detect pregnancy at 1 week?
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Can a pregnancy test detect a 1 week pregnancy?

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Can opk detect pregnancy 1 week after ovulation?

no. opks are ovulation prediction kits. they detect when you ovulate. to find if youre pregnant, you have to take a pregnancy test

Can a pregnancy test detect pregnancy if you got pregnant a week before your period?

A home pregnancy test can detect the pregnancy hormone starting around 10 days after conception.

Can pregnancy detect in week after intercourse?

No, you need to wait 14 days (two weeks) after intercourse to determine pregnancy.

What are he signs of a 1 week pregnancy?

Most lkely, none. Implantation taakes place in the first week after conception, and hormone levels begin rising, but there really isn't much a woman can detect.

How many weeks does it take to know that your pregnant?

This will generally depend on the test that is used to detect a pregnancy. Blood tests are more accurate in that they can detect a pregnancy earlier. As soon as two weeks after a missed period, blood tests can detect levels of Hcg (the hormone pregnant females produce). Urine pregnancy tests generally do not detect a pregnancy before the 6th week because sometimes it takes that long for Hcg levels to rise to the point where a urine test will be sensitive enough to detect it.

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Can the doctor tell if you are pregnant by a pap smear?

A pap smear can't detect pregnancy. A pregnancy test is needed to detect pregnancy.

How you can count how many week you have when you are pregnant?

You can estimate by measuring fundal height and using Naegel's rule or have an ultrasound to detect age of pregnancy.

Why was the pregnancy test negative if you are over a week late on your period and show several signs of pregnancy?

because the hcg hormone might not have spread enough to detect. you may still be pregnant! i didnt get a positive until about my 6th test on the 6th week

Can you stop pregnancy in 1 week?

Yes but to be sure it worked they wait until they can see the pregnancy so about week 5-6.