

Can you get aids by kiss?

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12y ago

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No, unless that person has a cut or bleeding gums, and you swallow it. HIV/AIDS is transmitted through the exchange of bodily fluids of one person to another. I would imagine your stomach acid would kill/prevent the virus from infecting you. There is a "condom in a pill" that is FDA approved, Truvada.

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12y ago

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No you will not as saliva does not have enough virus in it to transmit.

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No it can't, Aids can only be passed through by exchanging blood or semen.

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Sadly, no. But I heard the the Koolaid man is giving out aids!

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It is not likely to pass the virus via deep french kissing.

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personaly u probably could but i think its mostly passed on by sex

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it is you but that you should kiss hahahahahhah

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When you kiss a man whenever, and then that's how you get sick, and some people have aids, yuck, but that's not what I am talking about.

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