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No, you can only get lice either from direct contact with a person that has them or by sharing personal items (e.g. combs, hairbrushes, cloths) with them.

Lice that fall off a person will rapidly starve to death and cannot be transferred.

What you are calling body lice are most likely the species of lice referred to as clothing lice, which actually live on the cloths but feed on the body underneath. The other two species are head lice and pubic lice.

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Q: Can you get body lice from the sand at the beach?
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No, I do not believe body crabs are transmitted by sand at the beach.

What is the term meaning an infestation of body lice is?

Pediculosis this is an infestation of lice whether it be body lice, pubic lice or head lice.

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Beach sand is definitely different from desert sand. Beach sand is made up of many different particles not found in desert sand.

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Where do body lice lay their eggs?

Body lice lay their eggs in the body hair

What is infestation of body lice?

Pediculosis corporsis- is an infestation with body lice.

Where are body lice usually found?

Body lice should be looked for in the seams of the patient's clothing. Body lice is also found in birds.

Is water under all of the sand on a beach?

their is not water under the sand on a beach. If there was the beach would collapse.

What is the difference between sand and beach?

Sand is the particles, beach is the place. And, a beach may be made of pebbles.

Can hair lice become body lice?

Not at all. Head lice are head lice and body lice are body lice. They are two separate parasites with identical images. Body lice tend to be found more on those who don't change clothing or don't shower. Head lice can be contracted from another person who has it. Head lice are more attracted to clean har so if you get them you are not dirty at all.

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what is color of sand at napoopoo beach, hi