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If your ex husband was ordered to keep insurance on your mutual child or children then he could be help in contempt of court if he did not cover them. A lawyer will be able to go over details of the case.

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Q: Can you get ex husband for contempt by not keeping insurance on child?
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What happens if i don't provide court ordered insurance on my child?

You could be found in contempt.

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How do you get insurance for a child that is your husband's stepson and is not your child but by marriage?

Insurance companies typically have specific rules about who they will and won't cover. You may find that a step son is eligible for insurance coverage if he is living with you. In this instance, the child does not appear to have a legal relationship with either you or your husband, so if you want to cover him you may need to buy an individual policy.

Which insurance pays for the delivery of a baby if you're split up but still married to your husband and still under his insurance for now and get pregnant by someone else?

Good Luck. You will be asking your husbands insurance to pay for the birth of a child that is not his. Talk to the insurance company and also check with state law. Some states the law is that a child born during a marriage is the child of the husband legally unless challenged in court.

My ex is in rehab. I am keeping my child and a grandparent is trying to sue me for contempt. Can I counter sue for temp custody?

Yes, however I would need more info to make any recommendations.

My ex husband is going to be found in contempt for not following child custody orders does he lose custody for not bringing her back at said time through the judge Do i win full custody of the child?

most likely he will lose his rights til the judge decides what is best for the child.

Can your husband decide that while has the child for the summer that he is keeping him forever?

He is bound by the order of the court. He cannot arbitrarily make custody decisions.

Can your husband have his daughter on his car insurance policy if she does not live with us?

Each vehicle does have to have its own insurance policy, but as long as she is listed as primary driver on the car your husband can purchase and pay for the insurance on the car she drives when not at home. This is commonly done for example while a child is away at college.

What is the definition of primary coverage in regard to medical insurance?

Often, a person will have "primary" insurance and "secondary" insurance. For example, if you have insurance through your job, and your husband has insurance through his job, then your primary insurance will be the one through your job, and your secondary insurance will be the one through your husband's job. Also, your husband's insurance through his job will be his primary, and yours through your job will be his secondary. There can be some exceptions to this though. For example, if you were married, had a child, then divorced and remarried (retaining custody of the child), and both your ex and current husbands have insurance through work, then the one who's birthday is first is considered the "primary" insurance, and the other is the "secondary" insurance. But there will still be a deductible with each one that has to be met before either one will pay.

What happen if your in contempt of court for not taken your child for a DNA test?

It depends on the court and the jurisdiction. You can be fined or jailed for the contempt, and the court can order someone else to take the child for the test.

Can you take out a life insurance policy on your ex husband without his permission?

Do you have an "Insurable Interest?" Like Child Support or Alimony?

What are the steps i should take if ex husband did not pay child support?

You should get yourself right down to the family court and ask about filing a motion for contempt of a court order. The court can refer you to child support enforcement to help you collect arrears.