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Not sure if I understand your question. But, the answer is no you cannot get HIV from smoking anything.

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Q: Can you get infected with HIV if you smoked marijuana with someones HIV infected urine?
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How marijuana do you have to smoke for THC to show up in your urine?

any amount of marijuana smoked will eventually show up in the urine.

Your friend smoked marijuana one time will that show up on urine sample?

That depends on how long ago you smoked it.

If you smoked the day before a urine test would it be detected?

marijuana? yes.

If you smoked marijuana tonight would it show up in a urine test tomorrow?


What color is your urine if you smoke weed?

The same color it was before you smoked the marijuana, the color is not affected.

Will marijuana show up on my urine if I smoked once a month ago?

No but it will still show up in your hair.

You smoked one hit of marijuana you were clean for over a year before that will this show up in a hair or urine test?

probably in a hair test but not in urine

If you smoked marijuana for the first time 3 weeks ago will you pass a urine test?

More than likely.

Does every urine test screen for marijuana?

Yes they do and some of them will indicate if you smoked up to two months ago!

How long does it take marijuana to get out of your system if you smoked all day everyday for 10 years?

If you smoked it in the manner you described, it can show up in urine anywhere between 60-90 days after you last smoked.

You had a urine test for pot but you smoked 21days before the test are you ok?

If you have got arthritis would you be ok on a urine test if id smoked weed?

No. Unless you are a licensed medical marijuana user.