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If you are on probation you have already been found guilty. Probation is a sentence for being found guilty. If you commit a violation of your probation you don't get a separate trial for that violation. It means that you have put yourself in jeapordy of the original sentencing judge remanding you to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence. You don't get two bites at the apple.

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Q: Can you get probation violation until found guilty?
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How long can they keep you in detention centers if you have no charges and you only had a probation violation?

Probation is a sentence for being found guilty of a crime. So - therefore - you WERE found guilty of something. You are being held because you violated your sentence of probation which caused it to be revoked and converted to a jail term. You can remain in detention until the term of your sentence is completed.

How long can you be held on a probation violation warrant for 748?

You can be held until the violation is resolved.

In Pa can you be sent to jail for a probation violation even though you got off probation the day of the violation?

TECHNICALLY you are on probation until the end (midnight) of the day your probation expires. I guess that if you committed a VOP prior to midnight you could be violated.

What happens if a minor turns age 18 while on probation?

Nothing. The probation continues until it is over or a violation occurs.

Warrant for Probation violation in mi how long does this last?

Warrants never expire. They exist until canceled by the judge.

Will Texas extradite from Wyoming for misdemeanor probation violation warrant?

First, there is no such thing as a misdemeanor probation violation. A probation violation is a probation violation. It is a violation of a judge's order, and whoa to he who violates the order of a judge. So, yes, Texas will extradite from the moon for a probation violation, Wyoming should be a minor issue for the Texas prosecutor. Do yourself a favor and waive your extradition hearing. Nothing is likely to irritate the prosecutor or the judge than a fish on the hook that fights being dragged into the boat. When you get back before the judge, be quiet until your turn to speak, be respectful, and beg forgiveness.

When does your criminal offense get statutorally eradicted?

If you were found not guilty, your charge was dismissed, or you were found guilty, the charge will remain on your record until you seek to have it expunged.

Does probation time stop when a warrant is issued?

If a warrant is issued for a violation of probation then the clock stops until probation is either reinstated or revoked in open court. If it is reinstated the amount of time between the violation and reinstatement will be added to the original probation period. Say you are on probation for 3 years and you are 16 months into your term and you violate the terms and ran for 4 months you would still have the 16 months remaining the 4 months would be what they call "dead time".

How often can you leave state while on probation when you are trying to make a long distance relationship work until the probation is over?

Unless your probation explicitly allows you to leave the state, you would be in violation of your parole and liable to being remanded to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence.

Is there a statute of limitation on a conviction of probation violation?

Once you have been convicted, no statute of limatiations applies. Your record will reflect the conviction for life or until expunged.

Can an accused murderer inherit from the victim's estate?

The inheritance would be held in abeyance until the accused has been found guilty. A person found guilty of murder cannot inherit from that person's estate by will or by intestacy, nor can they benefit by virtue of survivorship.The inheritance would be held in abeyance until the accused has been found guilty. A person found guilty of murder cannot inherit from that person's estate by will or by intestacy, nor can they benefit by virtue of survivorship.The inheritance would be held in abeyance until the accused has been found guilty. A person found guilty of murder cannot inherit from that person's estate by will or by intestacy, nor can they benefit by virtue of survivorship.The inheritance would be held in abeyance until the accused has been found guilty. A person found guilty of murder cannot inherit from that person's estate by will or by intestacy, nor can they benefit by virtue of survivorship.

What does informal probation mean?

Simply, It means that you have to stay completely out of trouble until your probation is up. To be more exact, you don't have to report to a probation officer if you're leaving the state or check-in with a probation officer whatsoever. But, if you do get in trouble (depending on what it is) you are potentially looking at a probation violation which could end up in jail time, community service, more probation, ect, ect. Hope this helped, been there before.