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yes you can have a miscarriage without the cervix dilating. its usually an early miscaragie <4 wks. I had a miscarragie at around 3 wks and my cervix never dilated per my gyno. my hcg blood levels where 290 so i was pregnanct and miscarried.

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14y ago

yes you can I had one before when I was 5 weeks pregnant and when I went to get an ultrasound at 7 weeks there was no heart detected and the baby had passed away at 5 weeks and I still lasted 2 more weeks before they did the D & C and nothing ever happened. No Pain or Bleeding...Nothing. It feels awful when they tell you they cannot find the heartbeat. It is called a missed miscarriage. D. Oliva Arizona

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Unfortunately, after most treatment for Cervical cancer, you cannot get pregnant. This occurs if you have your womb removed (hysterectomy), or if you have radiotherapy that stops your ovaries working. If you have very early cancer, you may be able to have a cone biopsy or LLETZ. This would mean you can still have a baby. An operation called radical trachelectomy is another option. Women have had babies safely after this operation, but there is a significant risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

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Yes. Some doesn't bleed at all but need a D&C to get the remains out.

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Q: Can you have a miscarriage without blood or pain?
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Can you have a miscarriage with out cramps chills fever or low back pain Just pass blood and tissue?

Yes you can. Chills and fever are signs of infection and it is quite possible to have a miscarriage without infection. A very early miscarriage may also be painless, though a later one witll probably give you cramps and/or lower back pain.

If you have brown blood instead of red blood and then red blood with what looks like blood tissue about a week after taking the morining after pill is that considered a miscarriage?

No this isn't a miscarriage. Miscarriages result in extreme and intense pain which is agony and very heavy bleeding. What you experience is not a miscarriage. The blood tissue is a clot from your period.

What is the color of blood after a miscarriage?

* The most common and clear symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding associated with or without pain. The blood color can range from brown to bright red and could be accompanied by cramps. Bleeding could be in the form of mild spotting, persistent bleeding, heavy bleeding and passage of large clots.

Is it possible to have a miscarriage without pain?

You can be having a miscarriage and not have the pain but eventually your cervix may dialate and you will feel cramping and bleeding. Usually your intuition will tell you if something is not right. If you are unsure go seek medical attention.

Is there any way to tell the difference between normal spotting during pregnancy and bleeding due to a miscarriage?

Not really. If you are bleeding, you should see a doctor. It could be nothing and it could be serious. Most likely with a miscarriage you will have pain in your stomach and the blood will be chunky, but not always. I'd see a doctor if I were bleeding any amount at all, with or without pain.

How can you miscarriage and have no pain?


When you have a miscarriage where is the pain in your stomach?

A miscarriage in the first trimester is going to feel similar to period-like cramping in your lower abdomen. Some other symptoms of having a miscarriage are: the passing of tan colored tissue, headaches, back pain, the passing of blood, white to pinkish colored discharge, and a sudden decrease in signs of pregnancy.

Can you have a miscarriage if there is bleeding but no cramps or pain?


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Could brown blood mean a miscarriage?

Yes, I had a miscarriage and right before I had started to spot brownish tinted blood.

Is brownish color blood a miscarriage?


Is that miscarriage blood after a miscarriage or your period?

The bleeding you experience during a miscarriage is notyour period. It is bleeding due to losing the baby.