

Can you look at a woman and tell she is pregnant?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Not for the first months, no. Later on it depends on the woman. Not everyone is alike.

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Q: Can you look at a woman and tell she is pregnant?
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Yes, you can tell from 2 weeks at the earliest

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No. She does not have to by law. It is up to the woman to discuss with people she trusts and make the decision for herself.

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No, there's no way to tell whether a woman was taking birth control when she got pregnant (unless she is pregnant with the implant or IUD).

How can a woman tell she's pregnant?

The only sure way is a pregnancy test.

What hormones tell a woman she is pregnant?

human chorionic gonadotropin estrogen progesterone

How to tell if a woman is pregnant or just really fat?

She will tell you. And don't ask. it's a private thing and she will be offended if she is not.

Is it normal not to look pregnant when you are in fact 5 months pregnant?

For many woman, yes. Especially with the first pregnancy.

Can a woman be pregnant but not look it?

Yes some women barely have a bump at all.

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nothing. babies can't be protected from alcohol that the mother drinks while pregnant, that's why doctors tell pregnant woman that they should not drink alcohol.