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No. The age of majority in CA. as in most of the U.S. is 18.

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no, you are still considered a minor, unless you are moving with an adult.

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Q: Can you move out in California at age 17?
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You are 17 and you turn 18 in September How do you move out with out getting in trouble in California?

No, you cannot move out at 17 years of age. You'll have to wait until you are 18 in California.

Can you move out at sixteen in California?

Yes, in the state of California you can legally move out at the age of 16. Other states require children be at least 17 years of age before moving out.

Can you move out of your parents home in California at age 17 and collect child support from your parents?


Can your child move out of your house without permission at 17 in California?

They cannot at age 17. They have to wait until they turn 18.

Can you legally move out of your foster home at the age of 17 in California?

Only with your legal guardians consent. 18 is the age of majority.

Can a 17 year old move out of her house living in California?

No, the age of majority in California is 18. Until then the parents determine where a child lives.

Can you move out in tn at the age of 17?

No, age 17 is not the age of adulthood. In Tennessee, until you are 18, you are still their responsibility.

How does a 17 year old move out in Georgia?

you just leave! you are able to move out at age 17

What is the age in which a 17 year old can move out?

Not 17! 18 is the age of majority in most places.

Are you considered a runaway if you leave California to Texas at 17?

No, at the age of 17 you can leave Texas for California and not be considered a runaway. However, if you have not graduated school at the age of 17 and do not enroll in another state you can get in trouble.

Can you legally move out of your house at 17 in Idaho?

No, legally you cannot move out at age 17. You become an adult the age of 18 in Idaho. Until that age your parents are responsible for you and where you live.

What is the youngest age that you can move out in South Carolina?

You can legally move out at age 17, because you considered an adult then.