

How can you predict rain?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Weather forecasters take a look at surface data, upper air data, surface maps, and upper air maps to make a weather forecast. Satellite observations of weather systems are also used.

Separate weather instruments used to forecast weather are barometers (which measure air pressure) thermometers (to measure temperatures) anemometer (to measure wind speed) hydrometers (to measure humidity) and more.

It is rather difficult to predict the weather. The answer above is how meteorologists used to try and predict weather patterns. It was a very crude method. Today meteorologists use numerical equations and algorithms solved by super-computers to predict the weather. A fairly good method of forecasting can come from pattern recognition. Persons who have lived in an area for a very long time can usually tell you what it will be like tomorrow. This is from years of pattern recognition which is also called climatology.

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8y ago
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14y ago

Nobody can accuratley predict the climate and weather for each following day so watch the news or search it up online in my opinion Alotta people can guess the weather close to accuratley on those sights :P

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14y ago

You find out the patter, high or low pressure in a region right next to yours, and depending on wind patterns, and where you are located (either over land or next to the ocean) you can get alot of rain, or big storms

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13y ago

1:Examine the clouds. The clouds are one of the best indicators of rain. Clouds that are low in the early hours of the evening or that travel in opposite directions are both indicative of an upcoming storm.

2:Watch the animals. Animal behavior can also keep you informed about when rain is coming. Loud birds and an increased amount of insects can let you know when it will rain.

3:Look at the sun. If the sun is hazy, then that may mean that rain is on its way. A red sky at sunrise has also been connected to rainfall.

4:Pay attention to the fog. Fog patterns can be used to predict the rain. Fog that comes from the land and lies close to the earth can be a rain indicator.

5:Rely on a barometer to predict rain. This is typically the most accurate way that you can predict rain on your own. The barometer begins to drop when a storm is heading in your direction

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9y ago

Yes, you can predict the weather. Meteorologists and other scientists have tools to help them predict 10 day weather forecasts.

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14y ago

One way is to predict using clouds: Another is to use this link:

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12y ago

They use historical data to predict what the weather will be like in the immediate future.

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8y ago

by stop and go watch the news

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No, a rain gauge is used to determine the amount of rain that has already fallen. A rain gauge is used to measure the amount of rain-water fall in a particular area; it can not be used to predict weather conditions. The instrument used to mease weather conditions are: weather satellite, Doppler radar, and weather balloons. These instruments the computer technology which enable them to read and predict weather conditions.

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