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You can't catch shingles. Shingles is caused by the organism that gave you chickenpox as a child.

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Q: Can you spread shingles if you touch inanimate objects?
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Can shingles be transferred from one part of the body to another by touch?

The herpes zoster virus is readily transmitted by touch from person to person, or from contacted objects. However, not everyone exposed will get shingles. Exposure to chickenpox as a child can lead to a delayed outbreak of shingles as an adult.

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When objects touch, heat is transferred by the process of conduction. Conduction is when heat transfers when molecules collide!

Can you die if shingles touch each other?

I am certain that this is untrue ' just an old wives tale

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Can you spread shingles to other parts of your body?

Yes. It will follow a nerve. As you must know shingles usually are brought on by stress so it's important you seek out professional help to try and lower your stress level or you could have more attacks of shingles. It is also connected to chicken pox. Shingles is very painful, but the good news is there is medication that will help the pain and the time period of shingles is not as long. Some people use to have it for a year or more. Please see your doctor and have him/her explain it all to you and they will give you medications for it. Good luck Marcy

Can you identify objects by touch?

Sure. Try it!

How do you get shingles in your eye?

One treatment is medicated eyedrops (steroid or other) in the affected eye. Specific antiviral medications must be given if early enough. Sometimes pills are given. Definitely go to see an eye doctor!