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Ask your neighbors if they care.

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Not without your permission.

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Q: Can you stain your fence if you have neighbors on all sides who share the same fence?
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What is the fastest way to stain a fence?

The fastest way to stain a fence is to have a group of people do it. I helped stain a fence this morning and we had four people. It took us four hours using paint brushes, sprayers, and rollers. I would get a sprayer that sprays an even coat.

How do you get fence stain off clothes?

Use fantastic with bleech it works

Stain fence rain?

Write a proper sentence so we can understand.

What type of stain is best for wood fences?

The best stain to use on a wooden fence is the type that has a sealer mixed in with it. This will save you time and money because you can stain and seal all at the same time. The best stain to use on wood fences is a dark stain.

How can I find a method to repair my wood fence in bad condition?

You might be able to save a tired fence by treating with a good wood preserver/stain. Wood that is actually broken will need to be replaced with new pieces.

What happens if it rains after staining your fence?

The rain can make the stain liquid dribble down your fence and it may not dry right. Always make sure that between twenty-four to forty-eight hours there is no rain forecast.

What is the care necessary to prolong life of split rail fence?

The care necessary to prolong the life of a split rail fence is simple. First keep up with any repairs to the fence and glue together any splits in the wood. Use a power washer to remove dirt and debris from the fence. Use a water sealer or stain to prolong the life of the wood.

Where are stained glass windows in churches?

stain glass windows are in the back, front, and sides of the church

What do you use to remove whiteout on clothes?

Use WD 40 liberally on both sides of the stain. Allow the WD-40 to penetrate through the stain. The stain will begin to loosen. Test by touching the stain. Small flecks of the white out should begin to come loose. Rinse thoroughly.Lay the clothing on a clean white towel. Sponge nail polish remover onto both sides of the stain. Rinse thoroughly. Repeat the application of nail polish remover and continue to rinse until the stain is removed. Rinse the stained area thoroughly.Finally, to remove any hidden traces of the stain, apply a stain stick, spray, or gel to the stained area and wash normally.either or all of the above should remove the stain

Do you stain the bottom of a cedar deck?

Best to get all six sides of the boards while you're building (if you can).

Is kiln-dried pine suitable for outdoor fence in the new york area?

only if it is treated with an exterior stain/poly; by itsself it will gray in a year and not weather well.

How do you remove paintball from a fence?

you can spat the paintball and then take a wet rag towel and wipe it off. If there is still some paint left you can paint over it or stain over it.