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If your period is nine days late, a hpt should be picking up levels of HCG in your system enough to make the test positive. A "normal" woman would definitely show positive by now. It is possible that your levels are still too low - a blood test at the doctors will tell you for sure. Or if you don't want to go to the doctor, try taking a different type of hpt. the symptoms you describe COULD be pregnancy - but it could also be something else. Have the doctor do a blood test to be sure.

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Q: Can you still be pregnant if your period is 9 days late and have 2 negative hpts with some pregnancy or PMS symptoms like sore nipples frequent urination fatique light lower backache and so on?
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consoult a docter right away, before symptoms get any worse!!!!!!

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Until you get your period, you couldd still be pregnant, but it could just be too early to test. Wait and take another test.

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Sometimes home pregnancy tests are not acurate, my friend took 5 of them and all were negative, however, she was pregnant. i'd suggest seeing a GYN.

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What should i do if i have 3 positives pregnancy test and one negative blood test and one negative urine test I'm confused someone please help me?

There is many reasons for different results in a pregnancy test. One possible reason is that the negative test resulted due to inaccurate application. For example, some things that cause a false negative test are drinking large quanities of water and frequent urination. The reason for this is that the pregnancy test measures the presence of the hormone, hCG in your urine. If you are overhydrated or eliminating frequently that may cause the amount of hCG to be too low to measure. The best time to take the test is the first urination of the day, after waking up. Either that, or waiting several hours since the last urination to that the test. A false positive test is very rare. The fact that you've already had three positive tests indicate that you are pregnant. However, go to the doctor to be sure. You should be taking folic acid to help with the baby's development. The doctor can perscribe the correct amount. Also, make sure you're taking prenatal vitamens to make sure the baby is getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals as it develops. Good luck, and congratulations!