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If the sperm Doesn't touch the vagina in any way, shape or form then No, you cannot get pregnant.

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Q: Can you still get pregnant if the sperm hits the air?
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Can you get pregnant if you empty your mans sperm out a condom?

once it hits the air usually 80% die off.

Can sperm move on skin?

sperm dies when it hits the air so no

Does sperm hardens when it hits air?

no sperm does not harden it just goes on your bed and it stains unless you wash the sheets :)

Can you get pregnant from sperm YHATS already in the condom but didnt touch air?

yes you can! believe me!

Does sperm die when it hits the air or clothes of the male?

No. Sperm can live for several hours outside the female body depending on the environment.

What happens to sperm in water?

dried sperm is dead, getting it wet will make the seamen slimy again but the sperm will still be dead.

What would happen if you used some sperm from a condom that was 2 days old?

nothing would happen once the sperm hits air it dies

Is it possible to be pregnant and not even be near a penis?

You cannot get pregnant from stray sperm in swimming pools or stray sperm in general. Sperm is very delicate and can be destroyed by water or sometimes even air, even bacteria in the vagina itself can kill sperm. Unless you use artificial insemination, a penis and a vagina together are necessary to make a baby.

How long does sperm live when its outside the body?

Once it hits air, its (( dead )). It can live inside the body for 5-6 days

Can A girl get pregnant if you pre-ejaculate just a little bit into a pair of boxers then she wares them home?

I highly doubt she will get pregnant wearing boxers with pre-cum in them. But if you are having sex and use the withdrawl method, well then yes she can become pregnant. Because pre-cum contains live active sperm. Many women have gotten pregnant from pre-cum. But to answer your question about the boxers. I highly doubt it because once the sperm hits the air it usually dies, also if it dries up it looses it's effectivness, So no need to worry.

Do air bubol in spurm is harmful?

Air bubbles in sperm aren't harmful at all. The presence of air bubbles in sperm may indicate that the sperm mixed with air on the way out of the penis, or mixed with air shortly after.

What should be do when found air bubbles in sperm?

There is nothing that you should do when you have found air bubbles in your sperm. If you find blood in your sperm you should consult your doctor.