

Can you use milo instead of cocoa?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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10y ago

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yea but it wouldnt be chocolate flavoured maybe by the least it will but it will also taste malty its fine if you love milo :)

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Q: Can you use milo instead of cocoa?
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What can i use instead of cocoa powder?

You can use melted chocolate instead, there are many website which contain recipes for chocolate treats using melted chocolate instead of cocoa powder. It also tastes nicer too! :) hope it helps x

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Milo is a malted cocoa drink, and contains barley. So yes, Milo includes gluten, but if you just have to eat wheate-free then it can be okay. Cocoa pops definitely have gluten. Look at ingredients lists for maltodextrin, glucose syrup, glucose, thickener, vegetable starch, lecithin (if it says soy lecithin then its okay), reconstituted, wheat, oats, barley or rye. all these things have gluten.

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Get cake mix from your local drug store

Is there caffeine in Nestles cocoa powder?

Milo is a health drink,on the container there is no referance to caffiene. internet site is www Milo comes in powdered form and we can buy milo candy bars also and icecream. I have never heard of milo spread before this time. I have had the enjoyment of drinking the Milo drink 62 years Nestle website says standard cup contains 15mg caffeine. Any drink containing cocoa will have a small amount of caffeine. The heart foundation also states the amount of Caffeine contained in Nestle Milo that you can view here at

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