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Q: Cancer is cause by radiation true or false?
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Animals are affected by radiation true or false why?

Yes they are. Simpler life forms have more resistance. Radiation catalyses mutations in the DNA sequences of organisms. This is why you can get cancer from radiation (e.g. skin cancer from ultra-violet radiation) because cancer is caused by mutations in multicellular organisms.

True or false cellular phones produce radiation?

True - they work by using microwave radiation.

Is the statement true or false Before the introduction of the Pap smear ovarian cancer was the most common cause of cancer death in women?

False, cervical cancer was one of the most major cancers before Pap Tests, but not the number one cause of cancer related deaths in women.

Is it true or false that the frequencies of radiation increase as the wavelengths increase?


A person exposed to radiation has no chance of survival. true or false?

False. We are often exposed to low dose radiation.

Is it true that cancer is cause by radiation?

Yes, cancer is known to be caused by extended exposure nuclear radiation. If is also suspected by some that electromagnetic radiation (from electrical power lines and radio transmitters, including Cellular phones, WiFi, and radio stations)

Is it true or false lung cancer often results from environmental causes?

It is true. Often smoking will cause it or even smoke from steel mills.

True or false all raditon causes cancer?


True or false the risk of cancer rises with BMI?


Can some types of cancer be avoided true or false?


Are animals are not affected by radiation true or false?

false. All animals are affected by radiation. Some can withstand more than others like cockroaches.