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I am having the same symptoms. I had just went to my doctor and she prescribed me Muscle Relaxers and a drug called Mobic which is supposed to reduced inflammation. She said it could possibly be a pinched nerve or a slipped disc. Try to soak in a hot bath as hot as you can stand it and hopefully you get some relief. That is all I can tell ya! I hope you feel better!

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Q: What causes numbness and tingling in the upper back between shoulder blades?
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What causes numbness on the top of your left foot and between your shoulder blades?

There are several reasons for numbness. None of them are something you should ignore. Possible reasons could be: a pinched nerve, a slipped or compressed disc, a response to a virus or toxin, or a reaction to a drug or supplement. You should not try to self-diagnose this issue. Go see your doctor and get the right answer from them.