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The Horseisle Answer Is: Twin Tape

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HoboHorse from chestnut server :D

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Q: Chat riddle take one letter from first word add it anywhere to second word you will have 2 real words still twine tap?
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Riddle Riddle... I am first on earth Second in heaven I appear twice in a week Never in a month But once in a year Who am I?

The letter E. Note* I have already heard this riddle but only heard about the last 3 inscriptions.

First of first is the first of you second of you is the double of you first of last is the last of you Tell me who are you?

The answer to this riddle is the letter "L." "First of first" refers to the first letter of the word "first," which is F. "Second of you" refers to the second letter of the word "you," which is O. "Double of you" gives us the letter U (double the letter O). Finally, "First of last" refers to the first letter of the word "last," which is L.

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In this riddle, you are the letter 'e'.

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The word is "sun." In this riddle, "the first of the first" refers to the first letter of the word "sun," which is "s." The second and third letters are "u" and "n," which represent "nothing." Lastly, "the first of last" refers to the first letter of the word "last," which is "l."

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What movie was tom marvolo riddle introduced in?

The name and character of Tom Marvolo Riddle was introduced in the second movie. But technically since Tom Marvolo Riddle is Lord Voldemort, he was introduced in the first movie.

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Please answer this riddle for me?

ofc is it TOILET duhh