

Chauvinism in a sentence

Updated: 12/10/2022
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9y ago

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Chauvinism is, essentially, a prejudice loyalty to a specific gender or group. An example sentence would be: His chauvinism was absolutely disgusting.

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I am incredibly sorry that you cannot handle my chauvinism. Male chauvinism is rude and distasteful.

How do you use the word chauvinism in a sentence?

He showed great chauvinism to the public during his campaign. Another sentence would be, chauvinism is very common when people are playing football.

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It promotes chauvinism in russia while it kills large numbers of chechens and ruins their country.By Nguyen :P

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"the chauvinism . . . of making extraterrestrial life in our own image" (Henry S.F. Cooper, Jr.).hope that helps have a great day!

What is an antonym for chauvinism?

It depends on what type of chauvinism you are talking about; male chauvinism= female chauvinism (and vice-versa) human chauvinism (anthropocentrism)= environment chauvinism (ecocentrism) etc...etc...

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Art has very real responsibilities, perhaps even to fight male chauvinism, ethnic prejudice, third-world exploitation, believe the politically correct.By Nguyen :P

Antonym for male chauvinism?

The antonym for male chauvinism is female chauvinism. Both refer to a prejudiced belief that one's sex is superior to the opposite sex.

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play it in REVERSE at the end (when HE LAUGHS LAST) it says "chauvinism chauvinism chauvinism..."

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What is the definition of the word chauvinism?

Chauvinism is defined as an exaggerated or excessive patriotism or prejudiced loyalty or support for one's own cause or group. A prime example would be male chauvinism where the male believes he is superior to the female.