

Cheat codes to get credits on imvu?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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well..... the imvu engineer specifically designed it so there is no FREE FREE or maybe you could save up

credits. what i did was invite a bunch of different addresses i owned but that got REALLY OLD. the only thing i can suggest is you download all those stuff you can for credits then wait for a few days and get rid of them.... i strongly advise you not to do the cell phone free credits.... one of my friends cell was ruined because of it.

basically the safest and easiest way is to just buy imvu credits on sale at target

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Sorry, There is no way to cheat. Im part of IMVU'S secret crime investigation unit. Our job is to make sure no one uses cheats or codes. Here is where we let people cross the line, If your cheating to make your profile better we allow but if its to get credits there is no way at all. They do have people out there that have systems set up to give you free credits, but we always catch and disable those. So if your smart, you wont cheat :) Have fun on IMVU! PS. If you want to cheat to make your HP look better, Or for some outfit codes go to

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no becuase they are stupid

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*remove 8 i think..?

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There are none anymore. Used to be *use 124210000000

Can you transfer Wee World and IMVU credits?

I dont think so sorry. But you can with MyYearBook credits with Imvu credits :)

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i want 6000 imvu credits . xd