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A Nitrate Drug

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Q: When chest pain is relieved with nitroglycerin is called?
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A commonly used nitrate for chest pain is?


What is Nitroglycerin for?

It is used to help people who are suffering from chest pain

Why does nitroglycerin make chest pain worse?

Nitroglycerin should not make your chest pains worst at anytime. If they are making your chest pains worse then I would highly advise you to go to the ER or to your doctor and explain your symptoms.

Why do people take nitroglycerin?

Lots of things, including high blood pressure.

What is the name usd for the condition of chest pain relieved by rest?

Name is that condition is angina pectoris.

What cause pain below the sternum or what is heartburn?

Heartburn and chest pain can be difficult to distinguish. However, some clear differences exist. Chest pain that is cardiac in nature cannot be relived by antacid and can sometimes be relived by nitroglycerin. Cardiac chest pain can radiate down the left arm or up into the jaw.

What is the Pain that comes in my chest moves to my throat and jaw then is relieved when I burp?

It sounds like GERD or heartburn.

A transient chest pain brought on by exertion anxiety or stress is relieved by rest and is caused by a temporary lack of oxygen to the heart is called?

Angina pectoris, stable type.

A patient takes a nitroglycerine tablet sublingually for chest pain Nitroglycerin acts directly on smooth muscle producing relaxation and vessel dilation How would this relieve chest pain?

Angina pectoris is thoracic pain caused by a fleeting deficiency in oxygen delivery to the myocardium. Because nitroglycerin acts as a vasodilator, blood flow to the heart is increased, promoting the delivery of oxygen to the cells.

What medications reduce chest pain?

Aspirin is a very popular choice for reducing chest pain. However, if a person is experiencing chest pain, said person should see a doctor first because chest pain is very serious.

You just want to no what causes chest pain after a heart attack?

Chest pain after a heart attack or during a heart attck is caused by constriction of the blood vessels. Your heart needs blood to survive and when the vessels constrict, it limits bloodflow to your heart. This causes intense pain--that is why you are given nitroglycerin tablets. Nitro opens the vessels.

What is a sentence using the word relieved?

my pain was relieved when i applied balm