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Atlantic Ocean,Indian ocean,pacific ocen,meditaranian sea

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Q: Chronological order of formation of different oceans?
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What is non-chronolgical?

When something is in "chronological order", it means it is in order of time. For example, a story might be told in chronological order - explaining the events in the order they happened. "Non-chronological", of course, means that some things are told in a different order.

What is an order of events from beginning to end called?

Chronological order.

What is chronologically order?

Putting a list in chronological order means to place the items in order according to time.for example:First the earth cooledthen the water condensedthe oceans became mineralizedlife formedcarbon was buried and the atmosphere began oxygenatedlife became metazoicetc.An order that is arranged by the time something occured in relation to one another. Such as US Revolution, Civil War, and World War II, are arranged in chronological order from earliest to latest.Most literature is written in strict chronological order.Even literature that is not entirely in strict chronological order is typically mostly in chronological order, except for scenes of flashback, flashforward, prophecy, or foreshadowing.

Are calendar dates in alphebetical or chronological order?

They are in chronological order.

What is a sentence with chronological?

Please place the books on the shelf in chronological order.

How do you put 1234 in chronological order?

1,2,3,4, is already in chronological order

Logical sequence dealing with time?

chronological order

What is a sentnece with chronological?

The books were in chronological order.

What is the antonym for chronological?

the antonym of chronological is messed up order. or in the incorrect order

What indicates chronological order?

A given sequence has the capacity to indicate chronological order

What sentence can you use that has the word chronological order?

I put the chapters of my book in chronological order

How do you use the word chronological order in a question?

I have trouble with chronological order in school like that.