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In general a compiler will go through a few steps:

# Lexical analysis - making sure all the symbols in the source code are legal, and turning them into "tokens" for the next step.

# Syntactic analysis - analyze the tokens, ensuring they follow the rules of the language grammar and parsing them into some form of syntax tree. # Code generation - uses the syntax tree to create some form of intermediate language; oftentimes into assembly instructions, or a unique assembly-like language. # Code optimization - may or may not perform optimization on the intermediate language before translating it into executable code. Of course the true process of compilation is almost always much more complex than this, and may involve many more steps.

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14y ago
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14y ago

There are 6 steps

  1. Pre-processor - which replaces macros
  2. Code will be separated from comments
  3. syntax error will be given - types of parsing
  4. compilation - will convert high level language to assembly
  5. assembler - will convert assembly to machine language
  6. linker - will generate final executable.
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Just read the book about computer concepts and you will know the answer to your question. By anabella solon, Joseph anas, Christy Pedroza and III-ssc Mendeleev...

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