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Gun control does nothing to prevent criminals from obtaining firearms. Just like alcohol during the prohibition era and illegal drugs now, people who are criminals who want something will find a way to get that something. By definition, criminals don't obey the law, therefore, passing more laws won't stop criminals from getting guns.

As a conservative, I view the first ten US Constitutional Amendments (aka the Bill of Rights) as I view the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are not the Ten Suggestions, and the Bill of Rights is not the Bill of Priviledges. Rights are God-given, and the Bill of Rights is US affirmation of them, while priveledges can be taken away. I have also noticed that the amendments are listed in order of importance, and that each is supported by those underneath. In the movie "Farewell to the King," when Nick Nolte's character is asked what he wants: (1) Freedom, (2) Guns so you can't take the freedom away, and (3) Mortars and mines so you can't takie the guns away. Nolte played an ex-Communist, but as a king he apparently became a supporter of the first three US Amendments.

  • Also, it has been said that a liberal is just a conservative who has not been mugged yet. When Rosie O'Donnell stopped doing commercials for Kmart because they sold guns, she claimed to have received death threats and hired a bodyguard. The first thing the bodyguard did was to apply for a gun permit. Many liberals can afford to hire their own protection, while many conservatives must defend themselves because most liberals are wealthy and conservatives are real people like you and me.
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Criminals go to jail for using a gun in the commission of a crime.

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As of May 2014, Pepsi Cola has not donated money to support gun control. Pepsi Cola is known for being a conservative company, however.

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If you are "pro" in the gun control debate, you are for less gun control. In other words, you are "pro-gun".

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There is no "gun control" amendment.

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opposing.Versus, contra, counter"I am against gun control" could also be phrased "I'm opposed to gun control", "I'm anti-gun control", "I'm an opponent of gun control", "I disagree with the idea of gun control"

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They have gun laws. Whether they actually have the words "gun control" within any of their firearms legislature, I don't know, but they do have gun control.

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It is extremely anti-gun control.

What do Democrats think about gun control?

That depends on whether a particular democrat is liberal or conservative generally. Although becoming rare, many democrats are ardent gun-rights supporters. Check the NRA scorecard that they maintain on individual politicians to find out their individual voting record on gun-issue. That is the most accurate way to find the answer.

What is a person against gun control called?

A person against gun control. A pro-gun advocate. A pro-2A advocate (in the US).

You have to do an American gun control leaflet thing for a modern studies project where can you find information and pictures and also argument for and against gun control and how do you do it quickly?

type into google gun control usa.

What do people against gun control want to happen to the gun control legislation?

Depends on WHICH gun control legislation you mean. In the US, there are already several thousand "gun control" laws on the books. However, they do not work. They DO keep honest people from being able to defend themselves from criminals.