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Q: Could the CIA have killed John F. Kennedy?
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Was it the CIA that killed John F. Kennedy?

No. It was time traveling extremists from the future.JFK would have become stronger than you could ever imagine.It had to be done.

Did the CIA kill John F. Kennedy?


Why did alen dulles kill JFK?

Lee Harvey Oswald killed President John Kennedy. Allen Dulles was the director of the CIA.

Why would the CIA want to kill john Kennedy?

John Kennedy felt that the CIA was too powerful and had too many secrets with no one over-seeing them-He was thinking of either altering or abolishing the CIA-Abolishing the CIA would be a threat to national security-so Kennedy had to go

Why do people believe that John F. Kennedy's assassination dealt with the CIA?

Because the CIA has the the money were the money there is the power CIA is like a puppeteer the puppets are the presidents. When the the presidents don't do as their told there will be concecuences they threatened JFK to do something and he didn't so they killed him so remember where the money is that's where the power is

Who got the idea that the CIA killed John Lennon?

Many people believe the CIA killed John Lennon because of his anti-war views and his association with civil rights activists Bobby Seal and Angela Davis. The FBI and CIA had been tracking him since the 60's due to his anti-war views. To get a better idea of that I suggest you watch 'The U.S. vs. John Lennon'.

Did John F. Kennedy overthrow Castro?

Fidel Castro was ruler of Cuba when Kennedy became President, was still ruler during the entire Kennedy Presidency, and remained ruler long after Kennedy died. Deliberately deceived by the CIA into thinking it would work, Kennedy authorized an invasion of anti-Castro rebels into Cuba. It was a complete and total failure, as the CIA knew it would be, but Kennedy did not follow this up with explicit US military support. In other words, Kennedy WANTED Castro to be overthrown, but realized it could not be done without major repercussions.

Who do you think assassinated Kennedy?

Who do I think assassinated John F Kennedy? there are SO many theories i do think that there was a second shooter located on the grassy Noll and i believe they He/she were hired by the mafia or CIA. JOhn F Kennedy's assassination is a very sad moment in History. it is no doubt a memorable moment and something that will live on forever. R.I.P John F Kennedy Xo Forevercharmed

How many presidents were assassinated by CIA?

The CIA was established in 1947, and the only US President assassinated subsequent to the establishment of the CIA, has been President John F. Kennedy, in 1963. If you are asking if the CIA assassinated President Kennedy, that theory has been written in books, and argued with viable, and logical results, since his death. Officially, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy. From all any subsequent investigation, mainly by the Warren Commission, Oswald was not part of a larger plan or conspiracy, CIA or otherwise. The reactions of those who have read the Warren Commission (98% is now available to the public), including those by Kennedy family members, are skeptical.

Did John F. Kennedy have legislative approval for Bay of Pigs incident?

No- it was a clandestine operation put together by the CIA. It is not even certain that Kennedy actually gave his final approval to do it but he accepted responsibility for its happening.

Did the CIA or the FBI assassinate JFK Martin Luther King Jr Teddie Kennedy and John Lennon?

Edward Kennedy was not assassinated. He died of natural causes. You are thinking of Robert Kennedy. It is not known for sure who was really behind the assassinations although it is known who the gunmen were in all four cases, with the obvious controversy over who fired the shots at John F. Kennedy.

What steps did US President John F Kennedy take to better control the CIA?

After the disaster of the CIA project called the Bay of Bigs in Cuba, US President Kennedy took some steps to rein in this powerful intelligence agency that reported to himself. Kennedy established the 303 Committee as a mechanism for better executive control of the agency. Despite that, the CIA continued to shelter clandestine operations in Southeast Asia. Its activities resulted in confirming presidential war making powers.