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Q: Country with a coastline along the Indian and Atlantic oceans?
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What is Africa southernmost country?

The southernmost country in Africa is the country of South Africa. The country has a coastline that is 1,739 miles long in both the South Atlantic and Indian oceans.

What 3 oceans touch the continent of Africa?

The Atlantic and Indian Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea

What country touches pacific Indian and Atlantic oceans?

South Africa touches the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, Chile touches the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, and although the boundaries are not fully recognized Australia touches the Pacific and Indian Oceans. No Country touches all three.

Are there any oceans in France?

There are no oceans in France or any other country for that matter. However frace does have a coastline on the Atlantic ocean.

What are the three major oceans of the world?

The three major oceans are the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian.

What two oceans touch the continent of Euroup?

The Atlantic and the Artic oceans touch the continent of Europe.

What oceans surround Africa?

The Atlantic on the west, the Indian on the east.

Which African country seacosts on both the Atlantic and Indian oceans?

south africa

What African country has seacoasts on both the Indian and Atlantic oceans?

South africa

What is the name of the continent between Atlantic and Indian oceans?

Africa is between the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

If you were in savanah Georgia what coast would you be on?

Atlantic oceans coastline

How many oceans on earth'?

The oceans are: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic.